SayPro Session Evaluation Template: Collecting Feedback for Continuous Improvement
Overview: The SayPro Session Evaluation Template is a tool designed to gather feedback from participants after each session in the SayPro Prefect Orientation Program. This form helps assess the effectiveness of the content, delivery, and overall experience of each session. By collecting valuable insights from the participants, SayPro can continuously improve the quality and impact of future sessions, ensuring that the program remains relevant and engaging for all involved.
Purpose of the Session Evaluation Template:
- Evaluate Session Effectiveness: Gather insights on how well each session met its objectives.
- Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Assess the strengths of each session and identify areas that could be improved.
- Enhance Future Content: Use the feedback to refine session content, delivery methods, and participant engagement strategies.
- Improve Participant Engagement: Understand how participants engaged with the content and what changes would increase their learning and satisfaction.
Key Sections of the SayPro Session Evaluation Template:
1. Session Information:
This section gathers basic details about the session for context.
- Session Title:
(e.g., Leadership Skills Development, Communication Strategies, Conflict Resolution) - Facilitator Name:
- Date of Session:
- Session Format:
- Live (Virtual or In-person)
- Pre-recorded
- Duration of Session:
(e.g., 1 hour, 90 minutes, etc.)
2. Session Content Evaluation:
This section gathers feedback on the content, relevance, and clarity of the session.
- How relevant was the content to your role as a prefect?
- Extremely relevant
- Very relevant
- Somewhat relevant
- Not relevant
- How well did the content address the session’s objectives?
- Exceeded expectations
- Met expectations
- Somewhat met expectations
- Did not meet expectations
- Was the information presented in a clear and understandable manner?
- Very clear
- Clear
- Neutral
- Unclear
- Did the session provide practical examples or real-life applications of the concepts taught?
- Yes, plenty of examples
- Yes, some examples
- No examples provided
- Were the key takeaways from the session clear and actionable?
- Very clear and actionable
- Clear but not entirely actionable
- Not clear or actionable
3. Session Delivery and Facilitation:
This section collects feedback on the facilitator’s delivery and engagement during the session.
- How would you rate the facilitator’s ability to explain the session content?
- Excellent
- Good
- Fair
- Poor
- How engaging was the facilitator during the session?
- Very engaging
- Engaging
- Neutral
- Not engaging
- Did the facilitator encourage participation and interaction during the session?
- Yes, actively encouraged
- Yes, but only occasionally
- No, did not encourage much interaction
- How would you rate the facilitator’s use of visual aids, slides, or other resources (if applicable)?
- Excellent use of resources
- Good use of resources
- Neutral
- Poor use of resources
- Was the session paced appropriately (not too fast or slow)?
- Perfect pace
- Slightly fast
- Slightly slow
- Too fast
- Too slow
4. Session Activities and Engagement:
This section evaluates the interactive aspects of the session, such as discussions, role-playing, group work, or other activities.
- Were the activities (role-playing, discussions, exercises) useful in reinforcing the session’s concepts?
- Very useful
- Useful
- Neutral
- Not useful
- How engaging were the activities?
- Very engaging
- Engaging
- Neutral
- Not engaging
- Did the activities encourage collaboration and peer learning?
- Yes, very much
- Yes, somewhat
- No, not at all
- Were the activities relevant to the challenges you face in your role as a prefect?
- Very relevant
- Somewhat relevant
- Not relevant
5. Session Logistics and Organization:
This section assesses the logistical and organizational aspects of the session, such as timing, structure, and technical aspects.
- Was the session length appropriate for the content being covered?
- Yes, perfect length
- Slightly too long
- Slightly too short
- Too long
- How would you rate the quality of the technical setup (e.g., video/audio quality for virtual sessions, platform functionality)?
- Excellent
- Good
- Fair
- Poor
- Not applicable (in-person session)
- Did you experience any technical issues during the session?
- No issues
- Minor issues
- Major issues
6. Overall Session Experience:
This section gathers general impressions and satisfaction with the overall session experience.
- Overall, how satisfied were you with the session?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
- What was the most valuable aspect of the session for you?
[Open text box] - What improvements, if any, would you suggest for future sessions?
[Open text box] - Would you recommend this session to others?
- Yes, definitely
- Yes, with some improvements
- No, would not recommend
7. Additional Comments:
This section allows participants to provide any other thoughts or suggestions they may have about the session.
- Do you have any additional feedback or comments for the facilitator or program coordinators?
[Open text box]
Submission Process:
- Online Submission: The session evaluation can be submitted via an online platform (e.g., Google Forms, dedicated feedback portal) after each session.
- Deadline for Feedback: Participants should be given a specific timeframe (e.g., 24–48 hours) to submit their evaluation, allowing the SayPro team to quickly review feedback for any immediate improvements.
The SayPro Session Evaluation Template is a vital tool for continuously improving the SayPro Prefect Orientation Program. By gathering feedback after each session, SayPro can gain a clear understanding of how well the content, delivery, and activities resonated with participants. This feedback enables program coordinators to fine-tune future sessions, ensuring that prefects receive the most relevant, engaging, and effective leadership training possible.